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Department of Philosophy

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John Broome giving the 2014 Wittgenstein Lecture at the Univsersity of Bayreuth

Wittgenstein Lectures

The Wittgenstein Lectures were inaugurated 1987. It was one of the first steps towards internationalization of teaching at the University. Traditionally we invite a renowned philosopher to hold a week of lectures and colloquia on themes central to our Philosophy & Economics programme.

All philosophy teaching stops for a week and the first lecture is usually followed by a reception. At the end of the series there is a short exam. Students get 2 ECTS for module CI1 (formerly V1). Sometimes we offer advanced seminar courses on the work of the Wittgenstein Lecturer.

The Wittgenstein Lectures are open to the public and all members of the University.

Sally Haslanger

Wittgenstein Lectures 2024

Sally Haslanger (MIT):
Addressing Structural Injustice, Changing Social Systems

June 03 - June 07 2024 [Time-table]

Abstract: Societies are complex systems – or clusters of interacting systems – that reproduce themselves: their culture, their practices, and their structures, in ways that are unjust. One disadvantage of focusing on structures and systems is that it leaves it unclear how agents can promote social justice in ways that make a difference. In these lectures, I will sketch an approach to social systems that highlights our participation in ordinary social practices; I will then highlight some of the levers for social change that recognize the situated knowledge and agency of those most directly affected.

In addition to the regular program, we will have a special panel discussion on “The Ethics of Boycotts?” on Wednesday, June 05, at 5pm.

Hilary Greaves

The Normative Significance of Axioloy

Hilary Greaves
University of Oxford

Labor's Self-Liberation from Capital

A. J. Julius
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

The Grounds of Political Legitimacy

Fabienne Peter

Network Epistemology: What Economics and Philosophy Tell Us About Learning in Groups (unfortunately, this event had to be cancelled due to the corona pandemic)

Kevin Zollman
Carnegie Mellon University

Blaming and Forgiving - The Work of Morality

Miranda Fricker
City University of New York Graduate Center

Climate Change and Obligations for Future Generations

Joseph Heath
University of Toronto

Markets and Morality

Debra Satz
Marta Sutton Weeks Professor of Ethics in Society (Stanford University)

Preference, Prediction and Policy

Daniel M. Hausman
Herbert A. Simon and Hilldale Professor University of Wisconsin-Madison

Left Libertarianism: Promise and Problems

Peter Vallentyne
Kline Chair in Philosophy University of Missouri-Columbia

The Ethics and Economics of Climate Change

John Broome
Emeritus White’s Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Oxford

The Revolution in Just War Theory

Jeff McMahan
White’s Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Oxford

The Robust Demands of the Good

Philip Pettit
Laurance S. Rockefeller University Professor of Politics
and Human Values at Princeton University

Ethics and Public Policy

Jonathan Wolff
Professor of Political Philosophy, University College London

Values, Norms, Decisions

Wlodek Rabinowicz
Professor (emeritus) of Philosophy, Lund University

Collective Actions and the Commons: What Have We Learned?

Elinor Ostrom
Professor (emeritus) of Political Science, Indiana University
(Nobel Prize in Economics, 2009; †2012) 

Philosophy Amid the Darkness of These Times

Jonathan Glover
Professor of Philosophy, King's College, University of London

From Rankings to Reasons

Michael Smith
McCosh Professor of Philosophy, Princeton University

The Theory of (Un)Bounded Rationality: Games, Experiments and Evolution

Werner Güth
Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena

Evolution, Learning and the Social Contract

Brian Skyrms
Distinguished Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science and Economics at the University of California, Irvine

Knowledge and Representation

Keith Lehrer

David Hume as a Contemporary Political Theorist

Russell Hardin

Morality Meets Economics

Robert Frank

Geoffrey Brennan

The Economy of Virtue and Esteem

Geoffrey Brennan

Friedrich Stadler

Der Wiener Kreis im Kontext

Friedrich Stadler

Anthony de Jasay

Liberty, Property, and the Legitimacy of the State

Anthony de Jasay
Oxford, Paris

Hans Albert

Kritischer Rationalismus

Hans Albert

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